Grand Tetons from Taggart Lake

Grand Tetons from Taggart Lake

Taggart Lake and Bradley Lake Loop: Grand Teton National Park – Wyoming ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

6/16/2024: From Marg’s Notes: Got moving earlier today. Made our own drinks & headed out a bit before 7. Got to the Taggart Lake Trailhead ~8:15 & hit the trail at 8:25. Again, we did a loop. This was a beautiful hike! One of our favorites! We went to Bradley Lake first. A nice trail with lots of flowers. It was ~2 miles to the lake. When we got there, we continued on to the other end of the lake. Rod got some beautiful pics. We had some trailmix there. Then we took a trail to Taggart Lake. Again, a great hike! There were more people there. We did stop lakeside for a bar. We continued on the loop trail. Saw a marmot. More people here. It was 2.4 miles back to the parking lot. Really crowded there! Hopped in the car to look for a lunch spot. We ended up at 2 Ocean Lakes. An out of the way spot, but still plenty of people. Ate lakeside again! On the way back we were tired so tried looking for a picnic area or campground to rest in. we drove up towards one lake, but it was closed! Went to the Overlook Campground on 26. Very nice. Tried to rest, but left after ½ an hour. Neighbors tonight are a group bicycling…4 of them. Stroke patients!

Dinner at Lone Buffalo Steakhouse. Very good!

From our AllTrails post: This was an incredible hike. Highly recommended but you want to go early. We started at 8:25 a.m. You’ve got to do this hike. There are tons and tons of flowers right now on the north side of Taggart Lake between Taggart and Bradley.



Created: 2024